Only 1 day left in Urban Vision’s Matching Challenge.


Volunteer Opportunities

Kids’ Club

Worship, and play with K–5 students as they learn more about Jesus and grow in their relationship with the Lord 
Learn About Kids’ Club

Set on Success

Participate in our after-school programs where you can help in a classroom, have fun in the gym, or even teach a hobby you enjoy.
Learn About SOS


Hang out with middle school / high school students as they take the next step in their relationship with the Lord.
Learn About STEP

Christmas Store

The Christmas Store is coming on December 10 from 5:30–7:30pm! Help us sell gifts, wrap presents, and guide students at the most wonderful event of the year.

Maintenance Day

Maintenance Day is scheduled for May 3, 2025! Help us build walls, paint rooms, and move furniture as we work to keep our facilities clean and welcoming. 

Need More Information?

Rodney Matthews

Executive Director

Co-Laborer in Christ Award

We have had so many volunteers over the past years. Some of them have stayed with us for more than a decade!

View the Co-Laborer in Christ Award Recipients

    “Urban Vision is a vibrant ministry that has a positive impact in the lives of children in the North Hill neighborhood. I am involved in the SOS after school program, teaching beginning piano lessons to students ages 7 to 11 years old. My students are eager to learn, polite and responsible. It is a joy to work with them and watch them grow each week, learning new notes, playing new songs. Sharing this time with them is a highlight of my week.”

    Lorri C.

    SOS Volunteer & Piano Teacher

    “It’s always a blessing to volunteer in a ministry whose focus is on Jesus. Working with children is another bonus. The special experience of working with students from the United States and other parts of the world is another gift. It’s a beautiful reminder of God’s love for the world. The dedication of the leadership team is so amazing too.”


    Kid's Club Volunteer

    “At first, I was overwhelmed by the new cultures and all the activity happening around me, but at the same time, I felt drawn to finding a way to join in. As I sat at a circle table, bumping elbows with my neighbors, I saw these kids singing songs, praying together and engaging with the Bible. Many of these kids experience hardship and pain in a very real and personal way. And yet, here they were: truly seeking a deeper, personal relationship with God. They know God is right there with them, and they're trying to learn how to let that truth sink down into their bones.”


    SLT Volunteer